college savings plan

College Investment Plan


College tuition is on the rise and the economy is in a downward slide. So how can you afford to put away money for your child's college education?


No Loss Investment is the best option available to help you with a college savings plan. Many advisors suggest investing in stocks or mutual funds as the best way to build enough funds to cover the costs in the long term. However, due to ups and downs and instability of the stock market, this can be a risky move. Therefore, at No Loss Investment, we offer you opportunities for low risk investments with potentially the highest rates of return,  through short-term vehicles.

No Loss Investment is a real estate investment firm that gives you the opportunity along with other investors and our own company to finance custom build eco friendly home building and once the house is sold, you and the other invests will receive your percentage of the profits. Your initial investment is ALWAYS GUARANTEED SAFE and has the potential for high interest rates of return on your investment. If you continue to reinvest over the long-term, you will see that college savings plan build faster than another other investment vehicle out there!

Although the cost of attending college or universities of today carry a heavy price tag, it is of great importance not to let that discourage you or your love one from obtaining a college education. In order to realize that dream of a college education, a smart investment plan that is  tilted toward real estate investing as the best and fastest way to build enough savings in the long term. We all know that college provides opportunities for graduates which are not as widespread to those who have not received a higher education and this is not attainable without a saavy savings plan. We at No Loss Investment have that smart savings plan to aid you in attaining that dream.

 No Loss Investment wants to help families in setting aside funds for future college costs thus, making college more accessible and affordable for families.


Our goal is to provide you with a college savings plan that will meet your long-term needs and financial goals. It's time for a plan, so contact us now!

For more information and details on our investments, please see the investing strategy page or contact us by email at: or by phone at : 1-877-937-3206.

Let us help you start saving today !

